Saturday, July 17, 2010

The War on Mosquitoes

Living in the rainforest can be wonderful - lush, green landscape out of every window, colorful flowers growing everywhere, the sound of the rain on the roof. However, one major downfall would be the MOSQUITOES.

I feel like I'm being eaten alive here. For a bit, Chris was magically left alone by the bugs, but not I (Although now Chris is getting a few bites here and there)! I was literally hunted by the pests. They'd actually follow me around the house.

I've waged a major defensive war with the bugs. All day long I try to wear long sleeves, long pants and socks. I burn anti-bug candles (Yankee Candle version, not your average citronella candle) that spell pleasant. I park myself on the couch with the ceiling fan on (since apparently they have a tough time flying through wind). Chris sometimes sprays a circle of bug spray around the couch...its like our safe haven. Kinda. We still get bitten :(

You may ask why I don't just wear bug spray. I hate the idea of using bug spray in the house for two reasons.
REASON 1: Bug spray has chemicals in it and I do not like the idea of inhaling lots of chemicals all day long, every day
REASON 2: I shouldn't have to wear bug spray INSIDE my own house

I've been really miserable since I have at least a dozen bites on any given appendage. I've been using antihistamines, but they make me really sleepy so I'm useless after I take them. At this point trying to put a cortizone cream essentially means almost covering my whole body with the stuff.

Today Chris undertook the task of putting new screens on all the windows. The tenants prior to us left plenty of larger-than-quarter sized holes in the windows. A common fix was to apply clear tape over the holes.


Chris was pretty pleased with himself for being so handy. Let's hope it works! But, I'm not about to pull a Bush and declare mission accomplished. Cross your fingers! But if you have any helpful, non chemical ways to combat mosquitoes, they'd be welcome!!!!

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