Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pet Longing

It's been a hectic week, so I'm slowly backtracking to what's happened in the past week or so. Last Saturday the Humane Society had a party for humans and animals. Chris didn't understand why I wanted to go so badly since our lease doesn't actually allow for pets. He had a really good point there, but he humored me anyway.

We spent quite a bit of time in the cat house. Unfortunately, we didn't walk away with a cat. But now BOTH of us want a cat :) We've always talked about getting pets, but Chris wanted to have a house before we could even consider it. Of course, Chris figured out my ulterior motive...which was to get him wanting a pet so that HE would talk to our landlord. We'll see. I can be patient for a little while longer if I have to.


There was one guy I wouldn't have minded taking home. A long-haired white kitten who was just sooooooo soft. Here he is with Chris:

Finally, there was one cat that reminded me of the cat I have back home in Massachusetts. This kitten could be Jellybean's twin! (I have to find a picture of Jellybean to compare)


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