Friday, March 18, 2011

A Hilo Car Wash

Well, many a blog entry has been spent mentioning how boring it can be to live on the Big Island. (Ok I'm being harsh, but it's definitely rural.) So when I saw that I could get my car washed by Roller Girls I was super car totally needed to be washed!!!! I am pretty discriminating with my car wash patronage. I don't just pull up to any old car wash - I look for quality stuff...nice signs, a good cause and of course a reasonable asking price. You wouldn't believe how many subpar car washes there are around here. I mean, making your posters out of cardboard boxes and a permanent marker? Hardly quality for this lady and her special pumpkin car.

Oh yeah, and those roller girls were pretty nifty.

As a bonus, I of COURSE bought two tickets for the matchup of the Paradise Roller Girls versus the Garden Isle (Kauai) Renegade Rollerz.

Chris and I arrived to a packed stadium. With girls that had skater names like "Chola Roll-Ya," "Von Schlappenbitch" and "Kaizer PermaMento" this family-friendly event (seriously, it was advertised like this) promised to be different than our average Saturday night.

Well apparently it's not just a free-for-all brawl, it's a sport with real rules!

Chris and I had a lot of fun. Although Chris is now completely hung up on the idea that I should join the Paradise Girls.

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