Friday, December 30, 2011

Maui Wowee!

I love Maui and I would have totally moved there instead of the Big Island. (Chris actually likes it there too and we've talked about getting married there). Maui to me is quintessential Hawaii. Chris and I have been debating if we wanted to go to Maui or Kauai for vacation. I thought we had settled on Kauai since I've never been. Go! airlines was having a Facebook contest of the 12 Days of Flights where they'd post a question about their routes and the first person to answer correctly would win a round trip ticket to that given location.

Just a few days ago I had JUST missed out on a free flight from Honolulu to Kauai (There are no direct flights out of Hilo through Go! except to Honolulu). There was a picture of a local building and I had guessed the correct town/island, but not the actual building. By the time I had the building name there was ONE lady who had beat me out!

Well I was determined so even though I had to go to work to put together my office (they painted over break and took everything out of my room), I took my laptop and when the contest time came close I took a break from unpacking the boxes, headed out to the parking lot and got ready. Since you can't access Facebook from the wireless connection, I used my cell phone wireless tether and hooked up my laptop. I signed into to Facebook and within minutes the question was posted. I was already ready with the Go! website open on another page and I answered as quickly as a could after double checking my answer. First, Go! "liked" my post which I though boded well and then this was the post that came next on their page within minutes:

They asked for my email and then they said they'd be sending me the travel voucher in the next few days :) They didn't mind switching the flight so that it was Kona to Kahului so that I'd be doing a roundtrip back to my island. Looks like I'm going to Maui after all! Go Go!

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