Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Following Post is Rated NC

So I know I probably shouldn't share this - especially since this is the inaugural blog post of the new year - but I really can't resist. For my birthday (January 3rd) I went shopping at the local mall. Every Christmas Victoria's Secret has a great sale where their normally ridiculous prices for bras become somewhat reasonable.

I was hunting in the sales bin when some lady made a comment. At first I ignored her because if ever there is a time not to strike up conversation with a stranger it's over unmentionables. But she said it again and waggled a bra in my face. I looked up and could not believe my eyeballs. I include a photo I'm giving you fair warning...This is not for small eyes.

Keep scrolling...

Ok I warned you ....


Yes...your eyes are not deceiving you. It is indeed a brassiere with BUILT-IN NIPPLES!!!! Ok, call me conservative, but I thought the whole point of bras was to first, shape and support and second, camouflage the nipples (Or as my precocious friend Makaela might call them: blueberries hahaha). Why on earth with anyone want to walk around with high-beams is completely beyond me. So of COURSE I tried it on. And yes, they are as ridiculous as they look...since they also have about 5 inches of padding. These are clearly bras for a different type of woman than myself.

Now I'm hoping this is the last bra post I ever do, lest those of you faithful readers who actually read my boring blog entries that unfortunately lack cute kid antics to entertain begin to believe that I am booby obsessed :)


  1. Okay, I have a question. Are the "raisins" dimpled in on the inside of the bra (as if the material was pushed forward) or did they add extra to the outside (with the inside smooth)? These are the things that keep me up at night. That and babies.

  2. They added extra to the outside. It's kinda hard, but sorta has some give - maybe a rubbery plastic/silicone nipple :) You don't feel it on the inside, thank goodness!
