Saturday, May 24, 2014

Not so special...?

School's over so I can resume blogging at least less sporadically than normal. I actually blog quite a bit during the school year but in a professional blog which I mostly treat as a journal to track my thoughts during the school year. I wish I had done more of that since I know that I have made huge leaps in a year. Back to the wedding business. Things are going along swimmingly and I'll be backtracking to try to fill in some of the details...but first a little thing that has been bothering me. The other day I saw on Facebook that my cousin had graduated with his MBA, so I naturally facebook stalked his wife since we had only just met this past Mother's Day.

 As I'm going through her pictures I almost instantly see a dreaded sight. Did she really get married IN THE SAME DRESS? Now I'm frantically going through her pictures hoping for a better photo (they didn't get professional photos done - ? - At least there we have a major difference, I'm going for full-out wedding, they did it more reasonably, but definitely DIY). Then with a heart pounding I see the one photo that confirms it. She DID have the same wedding dress. This really makes me depressed because she's actually the second person I know who's gotten married in the same dress - my sorority sister did as well a year ago :(

 Boohoo. Now I liked my dress a lot. I wouldn't say I LOVE it, but it was within my price range and it looks great even if I was shocked to pieces I ended up picking it. Compared to how I made my other wedding choices, this was definitely one I just kind of made - not a ton of research done. So has my lack of following the usual method betrayed me? Did I get a "not so special dress?"

 So I do what I always do when panicked...I called my mom. My mother first asks me if I'm sure, but I'm staring at the picture as I call her so I'm sure. So my mother, bless her heart, says well she didn't really remember the dress haha and I have added details that make it different. Which is true, there are things I'm adding that are definitely different (obviously to be kept secret oh 9 readers out there so you can be surprised when you see me). I do have other tricks up my sleeve too that I'm sure will make it different. But still I can't help but feel my dress is a little less special now...and a part of me is paranoid that she's going to see it and think "ha! I wore it first!" (They are invited and coming to the wedding) In truth I know nothing about this girl and it's so silly that it's getting into my head, but I guess we all dream our wedding will be the most special and unique and it's a little weird to realize you aren't the only one getting married in your dress...not even within your family.

 Mostly over it, but it kinda sticks with me still a little bit. I'm sure when it's my day it will be the last thing from my mind.

Tomorrow, my makeup trial - so excited for that! Chris' cousin Jenna is offering to do our makeup and she's a fully professional makeup artist who's done magazine spreads, a TV show, etc. Nervous...if there's one thing I want most on my wedding day it's to feel beautiful in this special moment!  Here's her new FB page:

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