Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1 Little Lonely Worker

Today was my first day acting as a pseudo 12 month employee. Now I know all you non-teachers out there will probably want to slap me, but I've been spoiled with breaks and summer vacation. This concept of working year round with something called "vacation days" is still very much a myth to me...like Santa Claus...who I still believe in ;p

Technically I'm a 10 month SSC, which is unusual because most SSCs are 12 month. After my first, hellacious quarter I understand why. However, I can get call back pay if I come in over break to work on my stuff and so for fall break I declared I needed 2 days. Today was my first day working during a break (ESY doesn't count).

I had Chris drop me off at work at my usual time - I'm still woefully carless. It was pouring rain and still is now. I can hear it pounding now as I speak - YIKES, like someone knew I was writing about the rain, it literally started raining HARDER just a moment ago. Creeeeepy. Anyway, I dashed out in my fabulous cowboy rainboots - ask Michelle, they are truly fabulous - and realized there was no one on campus.

So I spent the day being super productive (Wow, you mean I have a desk under all those files???). But I couldn't believe I was the only one on campus...my admin weren't even around! I was rather lonely with no one to talk to, but I suppose that explains how I got so much done.

Nothing eventful happened other than some random lady who was visiting the library screaming bloody murder and death threats (really) because my custodian allegedly went into her car. Seriously, this lady had nothing worth anything in her car. My super friendly custodian, Marvin was power washing the parking lot. In the rain. Looking like that Gorton guy who sells fish sticks.


Really! I'm talking yellow slickers (waders or whatever), the yellow rainjacket, AND the floppy hat. I don't know what was more amusing to me - the getup or the fact that he was washing the parking lot in the pouring rain.

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