Sunday, July 4, 2010

First Dinner = Massive Fail...Pele testing us?

Spent the day running errands. Stocking up a furnished house is surprisingly expensive. There's so many little incidentals you forget like - salt, saran wrap, clothes hangers, etc. Spent the morning in Hilo at the Farmer's market. I think the farmer's markets are going to be one of my favorite reasons for living in Hilo. There's three withing a 30 minute radius. I'm hoping that I'm not making it up, but the salad I made from the organic (hydroponic) Manoa lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers was SO much better than normal.

Then went to Ross and Walmart to get some basics. By the time I got home I realized I had to return them because the glassware was broken when we opened it. After taking a little nap I returned to Walmart to make my returns. I returned to find that Chris had started our first homemade dinner. The steak was rubbed with lavender and lightly seared to be cooked when I got home. Salad was tossed, broccoli was roasted and mashed potatoes on the stove. I was admiring when suddenly...the power went out.

Luckily we had JUST unpacked our flashlights. We scrambled to find one and as our tradition has been - lights go out, we light candles and play Scrabble. However, this being our new home the only candles we had were the Yankee Candle citronella ones. We found 2 decorative tea lights, lit those. I had bought a scented candle for the kitchen (My favorite kitchen/household scent = Apple Spice) so we lit that one as well. We settled in to play Scrabble and the power flickered back to life.

Hooray! We could have the steak that smelled SO good. We had some foil in the drawers and we were a little hesitant to use it. It had a weird film on it that almost made it look like photo paper to me. We got the steaks on the foil...and suddenly Chris was yelling "Oh my god, the stove is on fire!" I dashed around and sure enough, the cookie sheet I had just bought appeared to be on fire. Chris rushed around looking for something to douse the flames (Note to self: must buy fire in all wood house!). Instructing me to watch the fire...I, of course, rushed for my camera. Chris found some baking soda just as the flames extinguished itself. No steak for us :(


So I guess we're going to have to redo our first homemade dinner. Meanwhile, I just got my butt kicked in Scrabble (so bad I forfeited) and we ate dinner of salad, mashed potatoes, broccoli and Smirnoff's blueberry lemonade with strawberries from the farmer's market - a random meal, but wouldn't have had it any other way!

Chris is convinced Pele is testing us...he says we've had 3 of the 4 elements: earth (the rock I hit), water (the rain the soaked his car - personally I think that's just dumb human error!), fire (the stove fire). We're just missing wind. He says that we can expect pestilence, famine, etc next. Great.

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